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Meanwell LDD-350LW are DC-DC LED convertors, allowing for a constant voltage input of 2-36V DC, and creating a constant current output of 350mA. The available forward voltage of the output is derated by 3V from the applied input voltage. THese DC-DC convertors have a IP67 rating therfore can be use indoor or outdoors. A PWM dimming option is included with a remote on/off function.


Please feel free to contact us if you are unsure if this will suit your application.



  • Characteristics

    Output current:  350mA
    Output Voltage: 2-32V DC
    Input Voltage:  2-36V DC
    IP Rating: IP67
    Brand:   Meanwell
    Dim Via: PWM
    Dimensions: 22.6(l)x9.9(w)x8.9(h)mm
    Warranty: 3Years Replacement
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